
Louisiana Reaps What It Sowed

DistantThunder2/14/2009 2:50:01 pm PST

A 20 year old girl, a friend of my son’s, described this encounter with her science teacher at the local college.

Teacher: Who here believes in evolution?

most students raised their hands, including the girl

Teacher: Who here believes in God?

a few student raised their hands, again including the girl

Teacher: Who here believes in both?

The girl is the only one to raise her hand.

Teacher: I see that you are the only one to believe in both God and evolutions and since they are mutually exclusive why don’t you explain how you can justify your position. I would contend that you can not.

Our friend was stunned, and embarrassed, and felt all eyes upon her. She explained that she had her private beleif system about God, and didn’t see any reason why she couldn’t accept the facts related to evolution.

I don’t remember what she said his response was, but you can see that he had an agenda to challenge and embarrass a student who had privately held religious beliefs.

She went on to say that ironically, in her speech class, with several of the same students, they were given an assignment to discuss their most precious possession. She said that most people brought in religious items that had significance to them, and that they considered sacred.