
Mitt Romney Joins the Race-Baiters

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)1/22/2012 9:12:07 pm PST

Romney is perfectly fine with race-baiting.

Media Matters Video

Here Hannity asks him if he thinks that black liberation theology and its emphasis on social justice is part of why Obama is terrible, and Romney agrees that it is part of it.

This most recent line by him— and yes, I get that he’s been using it for awhile— make no sense. Obama’s had a number of jobs. He worked as an attorney, among others, and any lawyer can tell you a junior attorney works horrific hours.

It’s a stupid lie, so what is the purpose of it? It’s either the rankest of class warfare— basically, claiming that only running a business, only being the boss, is a real job, a position that’s fucking stupid, malicious, and elitist beyond elitist— or it’s playing on the racial angle, the Obama as affirmative action president.

Either way, it’s a disgusting lie. I don’t really care to unpick exactly how Romney is trying to lie and smear and deceive.