
Wednesday Afternoon Open

ObserverArt11/27/2013 4:28:20 pm PST

re: #194 A Mom Anon

Was it you talking about the Agora Ballroom in Columbus? I’ve been there a few times back in the day. (I was born in Lancaster and spent my middle to high school years in Columbus, then moved back south of Lancaster and eventually ended up in Atlanta) I saw AC/DC there and it was SO loud people several blocks away were bitching, lol. It’s really a wonder I can hear today.

Yes that was me. I don’t know what era you hung there, but from 1972 through 1980 I sort of lived there. Didn’t see AC/DC though. I didn’t like them right off when they broke out. But I can see them being loud in there. It didn’t take much.

It’s been the Newport Music Hall since the mid 80s or so. There is a PromoWest show on local tv (channel 4) every Saturday night right after SNL. Promo books it, and they might even own the venue now. They also have the LC Center and a little club called The Basement and they do a half hour TV show from all the clubs. Its pretty cool local tv!

Anyway, they had a history of The Agora hour long show on about a year ago and they mentioned the one wall that had all the bands and artist signatures that they have preserved. BB King said it was his favorite venue, because he could always count on a good crowd, a good time and knowledgeable and passionate fans.

I though that was a nice feather in the cap for good old Columbus.

And for a bit of geography for those that don’t know what the hell I’m going on about, the Agora was right about the middle and right across the main street (High Street…heh!) from Ohio State University. OSU is big, so you had 40,000+ students around most of the time as a ready bunch of customers.