
The Bob & Chez Show: Great Hate and Sickness

William Lewis5/21/2016 9:38:32 am PDT

re: #207 Dark_Falcon

You don’t fit the model, William. You’re rather rare on the matter, I must say.

As for Trump, my dad and I don’t talk about him much. My dad’s dealing with an ongoing mobility problem that while no longer getting worse or threatening his life is troublesome for him and a source of a good deal of stress and worry. I’m not going to add to his stress with an election discussion he won’t like

DF, I understand what you are saying.

I’m still going to say this - once.

Please try to convince your father that even though I doubt he will ever get past the FOX lies about Hillary, that to vote for Trump is to vote for a bigger set of lies. If he is a true conservative he will, at worst, not vote for president. At best he will vote for Clinton because she -even if everything everyone has ever said about her were true, she’d STILL be better than Trump for America - and that’s a hard thing for you and him to talk about in public.

I DONT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT IN PUBLIC!!! Do what is right for our nation, damn it!

Do what is right. You and your father know what that is. You go to mass? Then you know what God wants (micah 6:8) Vote. Do what is right.

Ah, hell. I’m drunk and this is probably stuff you aren’t ready to listen to.

Still, I pray, lord god, give me strength, that my dear friend DF and his family finds their way to you and votes to save us all from the horror we possibly face. In our lord’s name. Amen.