
Is Anyone Minding the Store at the GOP's Brand New Website?

doubter444410/22/2009 7:15:45 pm PDT

re: #212 pdc_lgf

I arrive. Time for the thread to die. Set your watches.

I’ve come in at the end. The Catholic Church accepts evolution, I thought. What’s the evidence that WFB was a Creationist?

As for the website. The Obama campaign’s website was just that - something put together during the forced march of a political campaign.

In contrast the Republican semi-website could be developed at a natural pace, taking the time to get it the way they want it, and to protect it from hacking.

The Republican site is a rather pathetic thing.

The Republicans do seem to be melting down. I take no pleasure, nor comfort in that. This sort of thing is bad for politics. So I’m not going to crow about just how bad & lame the Republican website is.

Semi-relatedly. Why do the partisans refer to the POTUS as Obama? Like the WSJ Op-Ed piece “General Whoever versus Obama” - or whatever it was called.

This usage Obama - not President Obama - is pervasive.

There’s another angle. I notice on certain right-wing sites, that there is an in-group form of casual address, used for referring to their luminaries: M. Malkin is Michelle, Gov. Huckabee is Huck, etc. It’s asinine. The guy who hosted the Three Stooges show on NYC TV when I was a kid was called Officer Joe Bolton - not Officer Joe. One would expect folks who want us to respect their authoritah to not enforce a phony familiarity, and not insult our intelligences. Officer Joe Bolton didn’t.

I’m usually the thread killer, I’ll gladly cede that to you!
Charles mentioned it, I don’t know and I’ve never hear that, however, he was a devout Catholic (think Opus Dei level of conservativeness), and it was the 50’s, so it could very well be so.
As for the Obama not President Obama, I agree, while it does not really get me (the Dems do it too, so it seems to be actually casual, rather than a dig), I do think it should be “President Obama”.
I really clue in on Democrat in place of Democratic. It pisses me off.