
GOP Gov. Nikki Haley's White Supremacist Reelection Official Resigns

Kragar5/28/2013 12:29:00 pm PDT

I hope the judge nails this little shit stain to the wall.

Zimmerman Lawyer Goes On National TV To Smear Trayvon Martin With Inadmissible Evidence

The two sides appeared in court Tuesday to present a number of motions, including what evidence is admissible in court and a failed motion to delay the trial.

But before the hearing today, Zimmerman’s lawyer released images and texts that attempt to cloud Martin’s public image.

On air last week, Mike O’Mara touted the new images he said portray a more “three-dimensional picture of Trayvon.” According to Mediaite, Fox broadcast images from Martin’s phone that showed a hand holding a gun and a photograph of marijuana, which O’Mara argues is central to his client’s argument that he acted in self-defense because it shows Martin was “street-wise.”

The judge has decided that none of this information will be permitted in court. However, Zimmerman’s defense may still hope the campaign has implications for the trial and for potential jurors.