
Turkish Journalist Who Took Cropped Photos Tied to IHH

Gus6/09/2010 6:25:21 pm PDT

241 million of the aid for the Palestinians will go to the Affordable Mortgage and Loan program. Looks like it’s been done before:

AMAL will be established through a collaborative framework of financing with OPIC providing a guaranty of up to $250 million

Overseas Private Investment Corporation

The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) is an agency of the United States Government established in 1971 that helps U.S. businesses invest overseas and promotes economic development in new and emerging markets. OPIC’s mission is to “foster economic development in new and emerging markets, support U.S. foreign policy and create U.S. jobs by helping U.S. businesses to invest overseas.” The agency provides political risk insurance against the risks of inconvertibility, political violence, or expropriation. OPIC also provides financing through direct loans and loan guarantees. OPIC operations cost nothing to American taxpayers because it charges market-based fees for its products and services. The agency has earned a profit in each year of operations — US$ 175 million in 2002 — and built its reserves to more than US$ 4 billion.