
John Birch Society Praises Glenn Beck for Promoting Their 'Ideas'

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)8/06/2010 12:51:43 pm PDT

re: #201 researchok

Are you seriously contending that our Africa policy is being directed by someone other that at the SD or WH?

I would assume Hilary Clinton would be the main architect of Africa Policy, being Sec of State and all.

You have not shown in any way that Powers supports Bashir. I have found quite a bit about Powers drawing attention to the genocide in Darfur.

Who in their right mind would come out with a statement that supported suicide bombings?

Apparently you’re skipping over what she wrote. She specifically addressed a charge made by many critical of our efforts against terrorists that we’re terrorists too, since we kill civilians during war. She’s explicitly rejecting that sort of cultural relativism, and making it clear that the Muslim terrorists are the Bad Guys.

This is your one example of a person on the left, at it’s not even successful. I suggest that you revisit your conception of the left as unwilling to criticize anything about Islam or Arabs and see if it matches reality, or is simply hyperbolic.