
Florida Stealth Creationism Bill Filed

jdog293/06/2009 4:48:13 am PST

The why would be from some environmental pressure if my reasoning is correct, while other like one celled organisms living under different environmental circumstances would feel no pressure to evolve to survive or exploit the environmental pressure the first group is enduring.

As for the how. I still don’t understand how anything in the scientific community is accepted as fact that is not readily repeatable.

Also, doesn’t evolution violate the second law of thermodynamics (increasing entropy) you know, the parts of a watch placed in a bag and gently tumbled with the goal being the production of a watch.

Obviously lifeforms with their wants, needs and agendas are infinitely more complex than a mere watch.

My reasoning goes immediately, granted, possibly because of my upbringing, to if just one universal law of physics or thermodynamics has to be set aside for any particular model to work, why would there be such an affinity against a supreme being who would not only be above such boundaries, but was actually the authority who passed those laws.

One of the more interesting pieces of information about DNA research brought up earlier was how viral immunity is identically patterned on the DNA of all primates. Would that not suggest the possibility, because of how DNA works, particular areas would necessarily be in charge of fighting off a particular disease.

Where is the research showing how a new virus was introduced into two different populations of primates, scarring if you will, different segments of their DNA? The identical scarring, to me, shows the nature and propensities of DNA rather than the relationship of the living organisms through evolution.

I say all this not to try to convince you of anything, but to show you how when looking through the prism of knowing there is a God, new information proves how awesome God is, while if I am looking through the prism of knowing there is no God or a God who is bound by the laws of science, new information will naturally reinforce my knowledge and surety of that fact being true as well.