
Greenland Ice Melting Faster Than Ever

Cato the Elder11/17/2009 3:23:57 pm PST

re: #48 recusancy

Why is it that any form of conservation such as maybe driving a smaller/slower car then you’d like or recycling is scoffed at?

I scoff at driving a smaller car because my giant gas-sucker has less than 50k on it and although it would have qualified as a “clunker” because of its combined average MPH rating 1) it’s paid for, 2) in perfect mechanical condition, 3) I feel safe in it, 4) it cruises nicely at 90 MPH with no loss of mileage performance, 5) it looks like an unmarked state police cruiser so dimsums in Priuses get the fuck out of my way when they see me coming up behind them at 90 MPH, 6) I couldn’t rightly see turning in a perfect car to be destroyed just for $4,500 when I’d still have to be making payments, 7) it was made in America, 8) the sound system kicks ass, 9) I get to park it in “hybrids-only” spaces at Whole Foods and cheese off the politically correct, and 10) my insurance premiums just went down.

I don’t scoff at anything anyone else chooses to drive, except 1) when I see a poor fool in a Smart Car slipstreaming behind an 18-wheeler on the highway and looking like he wears Depends to deal with the fear or 2) when a Prius prick refuses to get out of my way in the fast lane even though he’s already doing 12 miles over the limit and I flash my lights at him. For that, I have a sun-visor emergency flasher light that I can turn on to scare him into submission.

As far as I know, there are no “conservative lites” here. You might want to check in with or whatever it’s called.

With regard to recycling, I do it if it doesn’t involve more than rinsing, but it’s a patch, a bandage, a feel-good activity. Someone on Facebook just boasted of having “recycled” his oak leaves. Mooph.