
TIME: Why Cold Weather Doesn't Disprove Global Warming

jamesfirecat2/10/2010 2:46:59 pm PST

re: #225 Bagua

None of us here will be alive to either suffer or benefit. We are talking about effects that are likely centuries in the future, if ever. It is questionable whether we will even fully understand the climate sufficiently to make accurate impact predictions within our lifetimes.

All the short term alarmist predictions have fallen by the way side and shown to be false, the next markers are at minimum 100 years out. Think of the state of technology and industry at the turn of the last century when horses were still the main form of transportation and the Model-T ford was still on the drawing board.

This idea that we have a crisis needing radical changes immediately is hype and alarmism. What we need to do is improve our knowledge over the next decade so we can establish if there is any actual problem to attend to take action on. Putting the cart before the horse in common in politics and the media, but it is generally a mistake with science and engineering.

What degree of certainty do you desire and how much are you okay with the government spending to achieve it?