
North Iowa Tea Party Billboard: Obama, Hitler, and Lenin

Buck7/13/2010 2:34:44 pm PDT

re: #211 jamesfirecat

No I’m 21, the thing is that the crazies on the left never seemed to be anywhere near as violent as the crazies on the right.

Or am I mistaken about that, and there were a whole bunch of evil lefties killing holocaust museum guards and stockpiling gernade launchers under Bush?

I heard a lot of “Well I’m moving to Canada” and very little “second amendment remedies.”

Its not just the fringness that scares me, its the violence. That and that there are elected representatives agreeing with the fringe on the right…

You are mistaken. And 9 years ago you were 12…so from age 12 to 19 you missed most of the anti war rallies. You missed the left bombing military recruitment offices. You missed the violent antisemitism from the left.

And you missed how Democratic leaders cozied up to tyrants, antisemites, radicals, and killers.

AGAIN… it isn’t exactly the same….except that at the base radicals, crazies, are seen at every event… right or left. Protesting brings out the nutso party.