
Stephen Colbert's Heart Is Full of Love for Migrant Children

Eclectic Cyborg7/21/2014 7:19:53 pm PDT

re: #221 Pie-onist Overlord

Setting aside the fact the astronomical cost of building a big ass wall along the U.S./Mexico border, it still wouldn’t fix the problem.

Even IF you managed to put up a huge wall the entire length of the border the migrants wouldn’t give up. They’d tunnel under it, launch themselves over it, blast through it.

Also, part of the border is made of, you know, a RIVER that’s kind of hard to build a fence through.

Thirdly, a considerable section of the U.S./Mexico border is on - guess what? - Private Property. It’s so hilarious these Patriot types have no problem locking and loading for a Nevada farmer but apparently wouldn’t give two shits if Uncle Sam shredded a few ranches to keep the brown people out.