
Kook Lies About 'Lies'

CyanSnowHawk3/30/2009 11:53:37 am PDT

re: #150 LGoPs

I think that is the salient point. The fact that we are looking at a tiny subset of measurements and yet proposing draconian measures to redress them. Al Gore’s rant that “the debate is over” is what particularly sticks in my craw. Hell, the debate hasn’t even started yet. The PC nazi reaction to your paper sums up all anyone needs to know about the dangers of unthinkingly going down this GW road. People of good intent on both sides of the argument should acknowledge this point.

When I comment on AGW stories on sites like New Scientist (they have drunk so much of the kool aid that when you yell “Hey, Kool Aid” he comes running from their offices), I usually finish with “More study needed.”