
Hilarious Short Film of the Day: Matt Jones in "Love Seat"

Birth Control Works6/17/2015 8:38:11 pm PDT

re: #214 sagehen

Intertwining church and state is what caused all those 1500’s, 1600’s and 1700’s European wars. The 30 years war killed 15% of the population where it happened, the 100 years war, the English Civil War, the England v Scotland, Spain v England, etc etc etc wars. Catholics and Protestants were each absolutely determined that their church should be the one to run the State.

The whole point of our 1st Amendment was to say “uh… how about no church. None of them. Let’s not spill oceans of blood trying to decide which one, we’ll just say no to any that exists or ever will.”

Whackos want a theocracy.