
James O'Keefe Commits Voter Fraud to 'Prove' Voter Fraud

elizajane1/11/2012 5:00:26 pm PST

Have people here watched the 28-minute Mitt-as-vulture film paid for by “WinningTheFuture”? It is causing remarkable convulsions among the Republican base, as represented at HotAir. Plenty of people saying “it’s true, the man has no soul, I would never vote for an evil job-sucker like him.” Others shouting them down, “That’s a Democrat line! They’re the ones who are against capitalism! We love our capitalists!”

Quite fascinating, really. If Mitt becomes the nominee, will all Republicans of whatever stripe be forced to embrace the overlord class with the same unquestioning avidity with which they have embraced war, pollution, gun violence, nativism, and all the other great things for which the Republican party now stands?

Here is the link