
Gateway Pundit Doubles Down on Derp: Vegas Terrorist "Ranted Like Crazed Leftist"

CuriousLurker6/10/2014 12:58:30 pm PDT

re: #220 Dr Lizardo

ISIS is fanatically anti-Shi’a - they regard Shi’a Muslims as takfir.

I imagine that Iran is currently calculating what it can do in regard to an ISIS takeover. If, God forbid, ISIS actually takes Baghdad and precipitates the collapse of the central Iraqi government and begins massacring Iraqi Shi’ites, I can’t imagine Iran is going to stand by and do nothing.

They appear to be evolving, if you can call it that. These guys seem more radical as well as more organized & disciplined. In the photos I’ve been seeing they look much more like a conventional army than some ragtag band of mujaheddin who’ve been hiding out in caves.

I just saw an Al Arabiya article that said Maliki is now offering to arm citizens who are willing to fight ISIS. Not a good sign.