
Friday Night Jam: The Weepies as Action Heroes: "No Trouble"

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge8/01/2015 12:47:27 pm PDT

re: #224 A Mom Anon

This is sore spot for me, my husband has dropped a fortune with his idiot friends on hunting these things. And bringing home the meat, which I refuse to touch. For what he’s spent, we could have had Kobe freaking beef. It costs a small fortune to process them and the meat is just impossible to cook to be edible. It’s gross. I tried to give it away to Hunters for the Hungry and they won’t take it. (there’s a whole backstory with how assholes and my husband seem to find each other- yeah, it would help if he wasn’t halfway there himself-, but I’ll spare you)

That said, they do need to be culled.They’re super destructive. But it’s super expensive to go hunt them because you have to have a guide ,etc. At least it’s that way in GA and FL, or so I’ve been told. Last time they went he dropped 400 for the hunt, 200 in gas and food expenses, 500 to process the hog. For two days. For meat only he is eating. Gack.

This is why the gunhumpers’ continual riposte of “Waddabout people who need to hunt to feed there famblys, huh, huh? Checkmaet, LIE-brul!” gripes my liver so bad. There is no place in the developed world at least where it isn’t enormously more expensive to hunt than to just buy the same weight of meat in a grocery store—and there’s a fair chance that the grocery store meat will be edible, too!