
Colbert: Trump's Main Influencers (Fox News Anchors) Don't Like the Bipartisan Deal

Dangerman2/13/2019 3:11:44 pm PST

re the vaccines (and flu shot) i was gonna write that you have to wait till someone comes down with something. still even then they’d write it off to something else. and who wants to be ‘right’ that way?

this just happened:
a friend called me said he wanted to quit his job and move, look for a job in a few months
i said take the cobra. you only get one chance to opt in and you can always cancel it
he said no
i said what about your health insurance?
oh, i’ll pay the tax penalty (which is now at zero)
i said, no, what if you need insurance; you know at your age….?

so he went and did that. quit 4 weeks ago, didnt opt for cobra, packed and moved.

got a call today. he was off to urgent care last night because he couldnt walk
found a growth behind a knee. (it’s benign, probably a Baker cyst).
knee’s wrapped, on crutches, etc.

out of pocket for visit and supplies
out of pocket for ultrasound scheduled for friday
and is now seriously looking for health ins coverage

no that’s not the end
i heard the premiums and i said go on
you still qualify, life changing event, etc.
and there are tax credits, etc. it’ll cost you almost nothing…

he said no. ‘they’ told me not to.

i’m at the point, it’s not my money, it’s not my body, you’re an adult.

i dont know how i’d do it if i had kids