
Ledeen: We're All Fascists Now

Irenike2/16/2009 6:10:06 pm PST

Ledeen is right on target. I’ve been worried about creeping American fascism for awhile, and reading Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism made me even more worried. Now, with all the government expansion in this Pork Sandwich bill, my worries are even more justified.

But you know what? I won’t despair. I will continue to speak the truth. Obama can’t convince me he’s up to any good, no matter how good a speaker he is. He can’t control what I think.

As for the rest of the Americans who voted for this guy, well, they can believe they’re getting a free lunch. And then, one day, they might just wake up when they realize they are paying for it. They’ll suddenly realize that their standard of living has dropped, and this country is no longer as free as it once was, that the prosperity they used to see around them isn’t there, and the government checks that roll in don’t go as far as they thought they would. They’ll gripe about the inflation, about scarcity in medical services, about declining lifespans, and wonder why all the most talented and productive people left for freer pastures. Atlas shrugged, indeed.