
New Poll of Muslim World Shows Plenty of Clenching

chicagodudewhotrades2/25/2009 10:58:08 am PST

re: #132 abaleh

I thought about 5th fleet being there, yes that is a Huge issue, But that is a admin command, not a ‘forces based there’ command. I don’t believe we have any combat forces permanently based in Bahrain. If Iran used precision munitions and were very careful not to hit any US facilities (Granted , that is a HUGE ‘if’) I wonder if Zero would do anything about it? After all , he is the one who wants to ‘talk’ to Iran. And if the Iranians made some “Sudetenland’ type statement = ‘We promise our Territorial ambitions stop here at Bahrain” I wonder if they could sell it to Zero and the rest of the gulf? Yes . a Iranian invasion of Bahrain is unlikely, but bad economics times can cause national leadership to engage in decisions that aren’t rational.