
Full Context: Glenn Beck's 'Shoot Them in the Head' Rant

changomo1/23/2011 4:02:09 pm PST

Obdicut? Oh yeah?

That’s strange considering he was reading the communist manifesto at the time, and listed it as one of his “favorite books”…but to be honest - that could be up to interpretation, but he listed some of his heroes as:

Venezuelan Communist Hugo Chavez, Che Guevara, American Socialist revolutionary Saul Alinsky, and even Barack Obama.


But keep on deflecting, my point is not that he’s left wing or right wing, but that he’s INSANE.

It’s too bad, this site as well as the left at first tried to paint him as a right wing wacko.

It’s funny, I didn’t see them to the same thing to Unibomber who really did sympathize with left wing radical environmentalists….