
Sarah Palin: GOP Establishment Alinsky Cannibals Are Probing Newt Gingrich with Endoscopes

Ziggy_TARDIS1/28/2012 1:11:29 pm PST

Can some please explain this arrangement for the women’s quotas for Libya?

Cause, right now, I’m confused. I Copy and pasted straight from Twitter, so go bottom to top.

zlanghi zahra’ langhi
New electoral law approved by NTC. 136 seats list based for political parties divided equally by men &women. 64 seats individually based.
1 hour ago

zlanghi zahra’ langhi
Thus,one third of the national conference 33% of the seats will be for women..In worst case scenario, women’s representation will be 23%.
1 hour ago

zlanghi zahra’ langhi
The lists are closed. Political parties with several lists are compelled to alternate between men& women (vertically and horizontal) .
1 hour ago

zlanghi zahra’ langhi
In the new Libyan law it’s fair and equal horizontally and vertically in terms of women’s representation…