
Tuesday Night Snarky Puppy Alumni Jam: Bill Laurance, "Ready Wednesday"

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam3/01/2017 12:13:55 am PST

Tibetan women’s soccer team has been denied visas to play at a tourney in Dallas.

Cassie Childers, a coach and executive director for Tibet Women’s Soccer, said that 16 members of the team were told at the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi, India, that they “have no good reason to visit the U.S.,” during their visit on Feb. 24. They were seeking travel visas to participate in the Dallas Cup soccer tournament scheduled to take place April 9-16

Childers, who is from New Jersey, said in an email from India that embassy officials did not glance at the documents nor provide any other reasons or explanations.

Buh-bye foreign travelers!