
The Copenhagen Diagnosis

Cato the Elder11/24/2009 3:13:00 pm PST

re: #12 Fenway_Nation

…and I’m sure the only solution to save us from ourselves is more governmental say-so in what kind of TV’s, cars or light bulbs we can buy.

No. The aim now is the budgetary approach. As stated in the summary, by 2050 every man, woman and child will be limited to one metric ton of CO2 per annum. Those who use more will be obliged to pay those who use less.

How that is expected to solve the problem is beyond me, but the real issue is that in the aggregate there is no way in hell the developed and most especially the developing nations will reduce their standards of living by 80-90%. I goes against human nature. It will not happen without global eco-fascism or -communism, or both.