
US Baptists Accused of Child Trafficking in Haiti

23 3:31:58 pm PST

re: #3 Guanxi88

Whaddaya think it was?


Child labor?

Or some kooky folk who thought they were doing good?

My money’s on the third.

It doesn’t matter what they thought they were doing.
It really doesn’t.

What they were doing amounted to kidnapping these children, citizens of Haiti.

Just terrible, imo.

Good grief, with all the aid organizations out there who know how to do this stuff and do it right … why in the world did they take it upon themselves to go grab a bunch of kids and try to leave?

Were they just completely stupid? You just don’t go grab kids, stick ‘em on a plane and take ‘em somewhere else. You just don’t do that. If they wanted to help - there are plenty of organizations that could have used their help, and could have gotten the help to these kids legally.