
Hate-Monger Fjordman Back to Writing After Breivik Furor Declines

Ziggy_TARDIS10/26/2011 10:36:16 am PDT

re: #14 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

They are very pissed that that no one is caring about their well-being. They should act up. A good start.

Only about 1/2 of the ladies at MSA where the veil. And I give out hugs to a group of them that doesn’t fit with the Veiled/Not Veiled group(I can hug some but not all from either group). They are just normal people who might decide to wear a headscarf because of faith.

On the other hand, the Pakistani from yesterday has me tweaked. I will be calling another (a third opinion on the matter) to see what she thinks.