
Gawker Releases Huge Cache of Romney Financial Documents

Killgore Trout8/23/2012 10:56:48 am PDT

re: #1 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

nice tidbit over at dailyKos:

Which is just about what I expect from this “secret” stash of documents. Funds and stocks roll over, split off, etc. There’s nothing unusual about this. Even Gawker admits they have no idea what the documents contain or what they mean. I think it’s a safe bet they didn’t do the research themselves. Somebody gave them, probably the Obama campaign. They didn’t leak them to a reputable news source with financial knowledge. Looks like more nonsense from Gawker, TPM and I assume Mother Jones is in the loop too. Just like the previous bogus “scoops” from this crew, I’m not expecting a different outcome from this one.