
At Rand Paul's African-American Outreach Event: A Roomful of White People

piratedan12/09/2013 10:09:36 pm PST

very OT but as I was busy recovering tonite, I can across an old classic that kinda illustrates that the question about security and privacy isn’t really a new thing at all. Watched The Anderson Tapes and how it was done documentary style with all of the agencies and players who were tapped into and watching folks, legally or not which served as a mechanism that showed despite everyone supposedly knowing what was going on, that the actual crime was foiled by a kid with a HAM radio. Nifty cast, Connery, Walken (his screen debut), Alan King, Dyan Cannon, and a lot of familiar faces. Kinda prophetic for 1971. Very much a Three Days of the Condor feel to it.