
Greenwald et al to Receive Polk Award - From the Home of the Homeland Security Management Institute

chadu2/17/2014 2:20:04 pm PST

An Open Letter From a Death Star Architect

Now — let’s talk a little about what happened at the Battle of Yavin IV. Some farmboy nobody flies down a trench, shoots some bombs out of his X-Wing straight ahead, the bombs take a 90 DEGREE TURN and then they go EXACTLY down the tiny exhaust port, go down miles of insanely narrow pipe and hit the Death Star’s core, blowing it up.

Notice anything weird there?

First off, “exhaust” doesn’t mean shit gets SUCKED DOWN. It means shit gets PUSHED UP. That’s what it is — it’s expelling gas. Outward. As in, not in a direction that would suck down a bomb. If anything, it should have pushed the bombs UP.

So, how’s the bomb take a right angle turn down it? Hmmmm oh I dunno OH THAT’S RIGHT WE LIVE IN A GALAXY WITH MAGIC SPACE WIZARDS.