
Protester Slain in Tehran, Others Wounded

jcm6/15/2009 12:53:15 pm PDT

Morons on Parade.

A troubling lack of pure evil
Where to find a refreshing dose of vileness in the Age of Obama?

Remember the good old days? When the air was thick like curdled paste and the days were long like sad, lonely sighs and evil — sweet, dependable evil — was like some sort of predatory perfume salesgirl and we were all trapped in the same apocalyptic department store?

It used to be so easy. Every day, every headline, every pronouncement or misunderestimation from Dubya brought a new opportunity for your colon to clench and your breath to turn sour and the universe’s skin to crawl. A single glance at Karl Rove and you were instantly swarmed with visions of tiny worms eating through the flesh of a sweet little bunny until it turned black and rotten and Rick Santorum. You had but to utter the words “Trent Lott” in the presence of children and the screaming wouldn’t subside for three straight days. Remember?


Hell, we still have Monsanto, ConAgra, Halliburton, Exxon, Archer Daniels Midland, Yum! Brands, Wal-Mart, most of the coal industry, Tyson meats, Fox News and the everpresent Catholic church, plus a few dozen others who will happily stop at nothing to maintain their long-standing evil empires, no matter what that damnable do-gooder president says. Isn’t that reassuring?
