
Bachmann Suggests Obama Told KSM to Plead Not Guilty

lrsshadow1/14/2010 1:58:10 pm PST

re: #212 blueraven

That is quite a definitive statement, without any evidence whatsoever. In fact, it is just ridiculous.

Oh, ok, then who else would have the power besides the Attorney General and The White House. Here are the facts;

1) KSM needed to transfer from DOD custody to Justice Department, the only two people with that absolute power would be the President and the Attorney General, Unless the supreme court ordered it, which they didn’t in this case.

2) KSM would need to change his plea, this would need to be accepted by the military commission or overruled by the Attorney General or dismissed.

3) The attorney general would have to establish venue with the Federal Court of NYC. He is the boss after all as the Attorney General.

4) The President and the Attorney General have come out and said they made the decision to put KSM on trial in NYC. The attorney general even testified before the Senate on it.