
An Interview with the Lead Developer of Park51

scandalous?7/24/2010 3:50:54 pm PDT

Muslims have two forms of lying to non-believers permitted under certain circumstances: taqiyya and kitman. In some cases lying is used to gain the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability to defeat them.

Arafat used to tell his Muslim audience (and Abbas still does) one story and another to the anxious and open-minded Western press. Please, let’s not be so naive.

Does anyone have any history on this guy with respect to remarks he claims he made on 9-11 or after? Muslims in this country, in the years before and after 9-ll, have been quiet as mice when it comes to denouncing Islamic terrorism committed in the US and elsewhere. Has anyone heard of CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relations)? They consistently deny Islamic terrorism.

Many mosques and related facilities have been a safe harbor for terrorists in the making. So you are certain that a facility so large and close to 9-ll won’t draw new hopeful terrorists and wanna-be terrorists in like flies?