
Colbert: Trump's Main Influencers (Fox News Anchors) Don't Like the Bipartisan Deal

Dangerman2/13/2019 3:18:48 pm PST

as i mentioned before the ‘schultz show’

A BILLIONAIRE FLIRTS with a run for president and gets grossly disproportionate free airtime.

a couple of quotes:

But scrutiny is weakened when the forum in which it’s administered confers a clear judgment of political legitimacy.

CNN does not deserve praise for grilling Schultz on his wealth when Schultz’s wealth is the only reason he was on CNN. As Vox’s Ezra Klein writes, “in American politics, money is a shortcut to legitimacy.” Shutting out uber-wealthy candidates, or at least waiting a minute until they’ve proven they’re serious, isn’t censorship or bias—it’s the media’s responsibility to conserve a level political playing field, organized around substantive issues of concern to the voting public.

But as political scientist Lee Drutman tells Klein, “the media uses ability to spend money as a proxy for seriousness of campaign. And when the media bestows seriousness on a candidate, the public follows along.”