
Video: The Basics of Evolution

Pietr4/04/2009 4:07:05 pm PDT

re: #222 c6gunner

Horrible example to start with. It has nothing to do with what was being discussed. Whether hospitals were started in the US by churches is irrelevant - hospitals existed prior to that point, and would have existed regardless of Church involvement. Far from listing thousands of good things which would not exist without religion, I sincerely doubt that you could list even one. I welcome you to try - just please, put a little more thought into it than you did with your first “example”.

Hmmm… I didn’t leave yet, and notice you chose to ignore my #207 whil replying to Thanos 211? Guess you could’n’t argue that as well, maybe? It seems you get to pick and choose, but so do I-I choose to GAZE-besides, I really must leave, for very personal reasons. But I’d still choose to GAZE…..Later, Lizard Nation-I really need to make a call.