
Little Green Footballs: Week in Review

klys (maker of Silmarils)5/20/2013 10:40:00 am PDT

re: #225 Sol Berdinowitz

I am not calling this any thing other than a scandal that is going to do anything other than make Obama look bad a bit.

It made a martyr out of a Fox reporter, and that is going to be ridden into the ground as a sort of indirect justification for whatever other ridiculous crap they “heroically” report on him.

Just like the IRS scandal is going to be used as an indirect justificatino for being even less cooperative with the IRS than people had been before.

Bad, bad tactical moves, and another truckoad of fresh meat for the people who want to sick the dogs on Obama.

So here’s the thing I don’t get about writing something like this: saying it’s a “bad, bad tactical move” implies that Obama knew something about what was going on.

Nowhere, on any of these ‘scandals’, has anyone provided any proof that Obama had any knowledge or involvement at any level. I mean, I get that apparently he is some sort of Superman who can do everything all the time, but really?

The only reason Republicans seem to care about Obama going after reporters who are suspected to have been involved in leaks of classified information is because he’s Obama.

Are there real and legit issues about the investigation of reporters in this sense? Well, yes, and I think that’s a fair discussion and why there should be a federal shield law for journalists, kind of like Obama and the Democrats have tried to pass. But forgive me for not getting worked out with the outrageous outrage. The right wing is going to go nuts on Obama no matter what. Even if he has no involvement at all.