
Weekly Standard's Great Idea of the Day: Go Bold With Gold!

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam7/15/2014 8:14:49 am PDT

This is off topic, but a few of you commented on how pretty Fenghuang is when I mentioned it several days ago. This is what it looks like today, after three days of heavy rain.

The wooden Fengyu Bridge, built in 2008, has been washed out.
Tuo River floodwaters wash out Fenghuang’s new pedestrian bridge

The Tuo River is now 1.5 meters over normal levels, enough to flood out tjhe second floors of buildings along the river.
Flood waters inundate Fenghuang ancient town in Hunan

Public safety officers began evacuating 110,000 people in the wee hours of the morning here, and power was cut off as a safety precaution around 8 am. No casualties have been reported, but ancient quarter has sustained heavy damage.

For the record, I’m OK where I am.

We’re expecting two more days of rain.