
Greenwald on the Amash Amendment: Obama Is Literally in Cahoots With GOP

Heywood Jabloeme7/25/2013 10:22:17 pm PDT

re: #222 Targetpractice

Wow, it’s almost like there’s an election next year and those Democrats in red states might have to run against Republicans selling themselves as being against Obama. Damn, weird how that works.


Could be a good analysis but EVERY Democrat who didn’t vote for the first AMASH-CONYERS Amendment voted for the 2nd Fig leaf. In the last election cycle about ~ 80 of all the house races were even considered to be in contention. Most house races are now determined by primaries - even the Democrat ones. Read sources like the Cook Report or Nate Silver.

So let’s assume that there were some of those Dems who voted for the 2nd useless amendment did so out of polical expediency as you suggested. Let’s try and estimate how many. I don’t know that number but lets say 40 out of the 80 Dems did so. That leaves 205 - 40 = 165 that did so for some other reason. What could that be?

Could it be that they want to be able to claim, at a later date, that when a court declares the whole law and set of kangaroo courts etc unconsitutional that they have covered thier asses and voted against it?

Got a hint for ya. President Obama has only ~ 3 years left and will never run again. All of these congress people want to have their jobs much longer and unless you are in the redest of red districts having not voted against a fed domestic spying law that is subsequently found to be unconstituional makes it tough to be re-elected.

That is what makes this such a cynical political calculation on Obama’s part. The onlyh thing that he can ever be held accountable for is for dismantling a law that many of his own supporters say doesn’t work and having an attack. He can do like Bill Clinton did with DOMA. He can leave office and say “It was required at the time but I now regret it”.