
Cordoba House Imam: 'I Am a Jew, I Have Always Been One'

Kragar8/19/2010 1:58:23 pm PDT

re: #225 Nimed

It would have been so easy to make a box office hit that at the same time would piss off al the fans of the re: #194 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Maybe that’s the problem, they should have committed to one world. Now that they have learned from this and other mistakes, the next D&D movie will surely be awesome.

/how the hell did they get Jeremy Irons?

The problem was they didn’t go with any setting, they just threw a bunch of gimmicks in a box, shook it up and called it a film.

And Jeremy got paid, so what does he care?

I can say with relative security there will never be a live action D&D movie featuring Drizzt or any other Drow.