
AP: NSA Improperly Collected an Incredibly Tiny Number of Emails

A Mom Anon8/21/2013 2:03:51 pm PDT

OK, so I went on a bit of a tear about the kid who wanted to shoot up a school in Decatur,GA yesterday, and then I read this. And I feel kinda awful about this kid.

I have a son around that age. Alienated and ostracized by his peers, and likely a big thing stopping my kid from going that route is that he knows he’s loved. I tell him every. single. day. Without fail. And every single morning he comes out of his room and smiles at me and says “Good Morning Mom!” and hugs me. Every. Day.

Have we always been so tough on each other? So quick to judge? I don’t know if it’s a mom instinct kicking in or what but I wonder and hope this young man really does have people who love him and tell him so, somewhere in his life and that once he gets out of jail someone will show compassion and empathy and help him stay on his meds and do what he has to to make things right in his life again.