
Now for Some Acoustic Guitar Virtuosity: Grayson Erhard, "Cave"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/12/2017 1:45:16 am PST

re: #218 Alyosha

And no. Our fauna is no more likelier to kill you than you are having some sort of a freak accident on your toilet.
Unless there is a fauna/toilet concurrence event.
Those are vanishingly rare.

But, if it happens…
It’ll make for an interesting life insurance claim.

We have scorpions and rattlesnakes in Porta-Lets.

Rest Areas on the Interstate warn of both.

A couple years ago a bull stampeded into town (if one bull can do that) and staved in the front of the Post Office, causing thousands of dollars of damage. (Fortunately there was no china in the Post Office.)

Of course, poison ivy down by the river.

And now we have bloody mountain lions circling the village for the kill. I submit Australia’s fauna is no more dangerous than ours, just different.