
Arizona Immigration Law Too Radical for Tancredo

Unakite4/26/2010 6:20:41 pm PDT

re: #129 Gus 802

That’s not the point. The point is about allowing the police to stop people at random and demand proof of citizenship. I go to a liquor store and purchase liquor I would expect to be carded at time (although I’m a little too old for that now). If I’m walking down the street I don’t expect to be stopped by the authorities and asked for proof of citizenship. That is what Mexican-Americans will expect under this law in Arizona. If anyone breaks the law first then it’s reasonable to ask for identification. Walking down the street and being stopped for “looking like a Mexican” is not reasonable.

OK. I read the headlines but don’t live in Arizona. I thought the law allowed the police to check the citizenship status of people who had already broken the law. I didn’t know that the law “allow(ed) the police to stop people at random and demand proof of citizenship.” If that’s the case then I am against it too. Is that the case???