
New From Keith Olbermann: The US Media Is Failing Us in the Trump Era

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/04/2017 2:07:02 am PDT

re: #235 Anymouse

Perhaps he’s being a wee bit overly dramatic.

The Know-Nothing movement of the 19th century was an escape, from accepting that their recent ancestors were immigrants too. The Know-Nothings then were anti-Catholic.

Today’s atavists’ boogeymen are Muslims, but the bigotry is all the same.

But we survived, as we did the Civil War which overtook the form of nationalism the Know-Nothings presented.

Now, of course, that’s sort of ominous in itself. What sort of existential threat will we have to face to wake up the wingnuts from their comatose-causing bigotry?