
Right Wing Bloggers on Race

SanFranciscoZionist7/30/2010 12:52:29 pm PDT

re: #92 robdouth

I can’t get behind this. If you don’t teach a child one way or the other about race, they will ignore it. In that case, ignorance is bliss, but having gone through public school and a public university, their may be instances of individual denial, but not as a society. So much of schooling deals with race, every year an entire month is dedicated to the history of one race, so it’s almost impossible to deny.

This doesn’t mean there aren’t problems, but I whole-heartedly disagree that the main problem is denial.

Actually, there was an interesting article in Newsweek a while ago, that suggested that we do children a disservice by not talking to them about race. They notice physical differences, and instead of giving sensible explanations, they way we do for gender differences, we become embarassed because the kid is noticing race. The child sees this, determines that racial differences are bad and embarassing…