
Poll: Republicans Suddenly Realize Their Medicare is Getting Cut Too

Ming4/19/2011 4:44:36 pm PDT

John Galt never had to explain those complex medical insurance vouchers to his elderly parents. He left home at the age of 12.

I don’t seem to recall too many elderly people in Galt’s Gulch, either. Did they have a hospital there? No need; Dr. Hendricks, the inventor of the portable X-ray machine, will keep you in great health, as long as he’s paid in gold.

The question of how to pay for health care is very complicated, but somehow, I don’t think that the current Republican proposal (Senator Paul Ryan), giving medical insurance vouchers to all, including the very old, is going to fly. I’ve never understood my own medical insurance, ever, in my entire life. Because that’s the way the insurance companies write the policies! I doubt that I’ll be a master of insurance policy when I’m 80.