
Red Stripes

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks5/16/2011 9:10:15 pm PDT

re: #200 freetoken

Then, add a million people in the middle of nowhere (LV) with no other source of water (the local springs are too small to support very many people) and we get the problem we have today.

Hahaha! Going off on a tangent here…

Back when Katrina struck and all shit went to hell in NOLA, a relative of mine was ticked that people would even consider rebuilding that place. A waste of tax dollars and what not. It was originally under the sea level, why not just leave it there?

I asked what we would do with all the people that once lived there, where would they go?

Why, Nevada of course. There’s all kinds of miles of unused, undeveloped, uninhabited land there. I patiently assured that relative of mine there was a reason for that.