
TIME: Why Cold Weather Doesn't Disprove Global Warming

jamesfirecat2/10/2010 3:25:35 pm PST

re: #236 imploder

But, Carbon Dioxide is a trace gas in the atmosphere. An increase of 35% is infinitesimally small in the context of the .0360% of the atmosphere the CO2 comprises.

There was a period on earth (the Ordovician Ice Age during the mid-Carboniferous period) when C02 was 12 times what it is today, and yet the earth was in a deep freeze. How can this be if greenhouse theory is correct? I’m not saying that climate does not change, only that we (as in mankind) is in no way in dominion over the manifold factors that could cause the climate to shift.

Certainly the science is not settled.

Simple answer for your statement, C02 is not the only factor in out atmosphere that effects the temperature of the earth.

Do you really dispute the idea of green house gasses?