
Anti-Choice Group Edits Out Planned Parenthood Adoption Discussion

Birth Control Works5/31/2012 8:13:12 pm PDT

So, I’ve been working little-by-little on a home improvement project. Today, I managed to fill in some holes and dings in the wall. Tomorrow I will sand and prime.

I had to open a new tub of joint compound and when I was finished I couldn’t find the lid. I checked the garbage and the floor around the table where I opened it. No lid.

I asked Brat Puppy and he assured me he had no idea about any lid.

I told him he wouldn’t get in trouble if he just returned the lid. He cocked his ears and tilted his head and repeated his denial of any knowledge of said lid.

I checked his crate and other chewing areas —no lid.

It’s a mystery. My joint compound is covered in cling wrap and a large piece of duct tape.