
John Oliver's Deep Dive Into a Subject Trump Knows Zero About: Automation [VIDEO]

Blind Frog Belly White3/04/2019 6:10:58 pm PST

re: #237 Targetpractice

“Fast & Furious”

And note, this is just the shit that the GOP relentlessly “investigated.” The long list of “outrages” was updated on practically an hourly basis by the time Obama left office.

Christ, they were already licking their lips over all the investigations they were going to start before HRC even took office.

They’re absolutely shameless. People like Gym Jordan deserve to have interviewers loudly guffawing in their faces when they feign indignation at Trump being investigated. Interviewers should say, “Are you serious? Because we’ve got a medley of your greatest hits on Obama and Hillary Clinton all queued up to run. Shall we press play?”