
Seth Meyers: Trump and Brett Kavanaugh Telegraph Their Plan to Steal the Election

Yeah Sure WhatEVs10/29/2020 4:49:28 am PDT

re: #224 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

I’ve never liked black licorice.

Now, the anise flavor is ok in small doses. For example, I used to like root beer when I was young and though I’ve not had any in a few years it is still good to me.

But anise can be harvested from other plants than licorice root.

I don’t like licorice at all but star anise as a favor additive (Gordon Ramsay’s oxtail, for example) is really nice and adds a delicious depth of flavor. Same with fennel seeds in bouillabaisse. And cooked fennel bulb takes on a whole different favor and is delicious.

That anyone eats black licorice for pleasure? Why?